Tree and Horticultural Management Services
ATTENTION: 7/14/2024
After much consideration, I've decided to return
out west. My talents and professional abilities
are greatly needed there. I'm currently in the
Pacific Northwest (Northern California and
Washington) inspecting trees and/or managing a
team of arborist performing tree risk
assessments. My passion for arboriculture and
helping clients with tree problems hasn't
changed. I will simply be performing tree
consultations and tree health care services on
a part-time basis as I periodically fly back to Alabama every few
If your tree problem can wait, read this website
and fill out the contact form below. Christina will email you to discuss my availability and approximate tree consultation date.
If your tree problem cannot wait, I understand entirely. Go to the ISA website at and search for:
Okay Starting Point - Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ)
Good - ISA Certified Arborist
Better - ISA Certified Arborist who is Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ)
Best - ISA Board Certified Master Arborist who is Tree Risk Assessment Qualified OR ISA Board Certified Master Arborist who is a Registered Consulting Arborist (RCA). Registered Consulting Arborists can be found at
Remember, this is extremely important if you value your tree(s).

Largest Ponderosa Pine I've ever seen. Tree near the California - Oregon State line.
Leyland Cypress and Cryptomeria Tree Problems in the Birmingham, AL Area.
These trees have been primarily planted as an evergreen screen along property lines between homes. They grow quickly and provide a much-needed privacy screen. Problems begin to occur when needles begin to turn yellowish green and then die becoming orange/brown.
Many reasons can cause Leyland cypress and cryptomeria initial needle discoloration and dieback. I've seen instances where the trees were incorrectly planted, excessive irrigation, poor drainage, drought, chemical injury, and insect infestations.
The single biggest challenge is disease problems.
If you have trees showing signs of stress or dieback, it's extremely important to have a competent, experienced, professional to inspect your trees. They need to be in the business of managing trees and not cutting them down. Needle and branch dieback will only become worse and spread. It's much easier to mitigate problems early.
Don't wait until the problem becomes a major crisis.
I've seen large trees completely die and it usually isn't the tree on the end that has to be removed creating a huge hole. Call me today to get your Leyland cypress or cryptomeria trees on the path to recovery.