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Trees and Construction. What You Must Know.


Five years ago; two neighbors completely rebuilt their homes. They both had several large mature trees on their property. Today; one neighbor enjoys his beautiful trees. They are vibrant, lush and healthy. He absolutely loves these trees and couldn't imagine his home without them. 


While the other neighbor had a much different outcome. His trees were all removed. Outside his home looks bare and naked. Exposed in full sun. It's hot with no shade. The main reason he purchased this property was due to these large beautiful trees. He envisioned how nice his dream home would look framed by these majestic trees. Now they are gone. Only a distant memory. He is now angry and full of regret. A slow continual burn would best describe his feelings.


What made the difference? Why does one neighbor have his trees while the other neighbor's trees died?


The smart neighbor sought out the advice of a competent, professional arborist. He knew investing in his trees prior to the construction of his home was important. This professional arborist came out and inspected his trees. After the inspection; a tree protection plan was implemented to help preserve and protect his trees. This neighbor understood that steps taken to prevent tree and root damage would be an investment in his trees long term health. 


The other neighbor watched from his window as the professional arborist implemented the tree protection plan to his neighbors trees. He noticed him also from time to time inspecting the trees, speaking to the contractor, and doing something around them. He never understood what all the "hiring a professional arborist" was about and thought it was pretentious and a waste of money. He did speak to his contractor and was vaguely assured that nothing they were doing could hurt his trees.


After the home was rebuilt the trees began showing signs of stress and dieback the following summer. They continued to look "sick" the following year and then one abruptly died. Then the second tree died four months later. He actually spent more money having them removed than his neighbor who paid the arborist and still has his trees.


 The neighborhood residents are upset because everyone loved these trees. They were such a big part of what made the neighborhood. It looks so different now. Now; his wife is devastated. Blames him for the trees dying and not being able to go to the local grocery store or restaurant without worrying about what the neighbors are saying behind her back as she goes to leave. 


You don't have to repeat these mistakes. Protect your trees and enjoy their benefits.


Seriously; don't be this guy. He lost his trees and paid more for removal than the cost for a tree protection plan. If you are going to have any trenching, tunneling, or work performed from the drip line of tree or closer; you need to contact me. A small investment can make the difference between your tree living or being removed.


If your having any work planned near your tree; now is the time to take action. Don't delay. If work has already started or completed you still need to have your trees inspected. â€‹Don't be led into a false sense of security just because they might look healthy today. 


Okay David... My trees are important to me. What should I do next?


Contact me and set up an initial tree consultation to inspect and discuss your trees needs. Once this is accomplished a tree protection plan will be recommended for your tree(s). 


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What type of work can actually kill you tree:


  • Landscaping

  • Irrigation

  • Sewer Lines

  • Water Lines

  • Construction

  • Removing or adding soil near trees.

  • Digging near trees

  • Septic Tank replacement or repair.

  • Driveways

  • Patios

  • Water features

  • Pools

  • Your neighbor doing any of this near your tree.

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Don't think landscaping can harm trees?

The above tree was severely damaged by a new landscape install that included a fence with footings being installed less than three feet from the tree trunk.


This tree began to dieback and has lost over 50% of its canopy. Although mitigation options are limited after damage has occurred; we have managed to prevent this tree from dying for five years.


It's a challenge and the tree is still slowly retrenching. This could have been avoided if steps were taken prior to the new landscape. 


Again; its mandatory to have someone provide competent, professional advice about your trees. Contractors might be well intentioned but at the end of the day all the consequences fall into your lap "to fix" when your tree begins to die. 

© 2023 Tree and Horticultural Management Services.

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